
New Layout

Sunday, May 22, 2011


I am boring with my previous blog template
so i decide to change it
So no more lovely kitty kitty as background
How was it?
Is it awesome? romantic? nice?
Any comment bout it?

Please give me some comment so that i can make it better..

Thank you.

With Love,

The babysitter ♥

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Went Penang yesterday with my little bro to meet the baby 
My bro being a very light bulb for us
nvm he doesn't make any sense
Both of us be babysitter for a day to take care over my little bro..
The ♥ one fetch us at Jetty
My little bro gave him a hug whn he get into his car
cauz i cheat him that must gave him a hug if nt he wont fetch u
*he was shock*
Our 1st stop was 1st avenue we have a walk there
 have our chatime, cotton on on "ting ting" with the little bro
 the Babysitter Tan with little bro 
 the boxing thing. he cant hit the things due to his height..haha

After this we went Gurney to meet Mel at BBQPlaza

i miss her so much♥
After that we dropped my little bro at popular thn we just hang around
 RANDOM picture of my little bro

 babysitter of the day


Monday, May 2, 2011

It is time to appreciate your Mother!

If there was a day for everything you have given to me as a mother, it would be Mother's Day every day. Thanks for always helping me to remember what is important in life... and today it is you! You're the best! Thanks for all you do.
oppss she is nt my mum but my babysitter whn i am still small *cute me*
 my mum sister and i- we did group ourselves as "SK2" nt the cosmetic skii
cauz sk is the shortcut of my mum name and the "2" represent the 2 daughther..
so we are "SK2"
The above pixie snap with the pretty grandma during trip to Hatyai *love her to the max she is cute btw*
The 2nd pixie snap yesterday during we celebrate Mothers Day for granny
The granny with her four daughters *happy thm :) *

Our mothers are our pillars of strength and our confidante. There's nothing in this world that can replace our mother's love.

Let's celebrate this special day by bringing your mother to Summit Subang USJ and participate in the "Mom On Facebook" Snapshot Contest.

Share them with your family and friends today just because your mom will always be your cup of comfort when you’re feeling low.

God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers. Celebrate this day with your mom & join "Mom on FB" contest. #MomOnSummitFB

wish everyone enjoy your Mothers Day celebration