
Dedicate to my Babe

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

2day i accidentally go n open elspeth facebook

manatau let me c smth tat really surprising me

she's in a relationship

at 1st i m so angy tat she din even tel me

cauz last night v stil 2gether

she's so bad..

dun even share this kind of happiness wit me..haiyo..

i straight message her n scold her

but whn im scolding her

i keep on giggling in d room
lik an idiot


y i also duno

my brain full with " my babe is in a relationship"

im so excited to noe this

although she's nt the one wo tel me (disappointed)

after that hav 2 check d guy profile

to noe who is that (hav 2 meet 'parents' wan)

after checking..

hmm nt bad seems lik love my babe alot..

so babe u just go ahead

n BRIAN LAU u dun even dare 2 bully my babe

babe if he bully u remember tel me

n whn getting married must tel me..

i wan b d bridesmaid..


Finally my babe grow up ad..

now she found her mr right somemore

remembered last time stil heard "someone" said that she wan b oold virgin forever


i dun think so ad..


listen to babe talk bout their story

i can feel d sweet-ness, shy-ness and the love through her


this making me ENVY


Anyway babe this is ur first..

i also hope that this is d last one for u


peechgal said...

aww, so sweet haha.. <3 you babe :)

xueL said...
