
No Regretting

Thursday, November 12, 2009

曲名:泪海 歌手:许茹芸
爱已不能动 还有什麽值得我心痛
想你的天空 下起雨来
脸颊两行咸咸的泪水是你 哦是你
让我望穿泪水 肝肠寸断
付出的感情永远 找不回来
闭上了双眼 还看见和你的缠绵
眼角的泪水 洗不去心中
i keep repeating this song for d whole day
i lik this song so much
this song sing out my actuall feeling now
before that
whn he stil try to save our relationship
im d one who keep on rejct him
wathy told me
surely one day i wil regret
now i totally regreted
after broke up
everything i c remind me of him
for outsider
mayb they feel lik im ok ad (i dun care wad u all talk bout me)
but who really noe wad i feel
i never say out wad i feel
but for those who really close wit me
i think thy wil noe wad im thinking
whn wathy tel me
he's into other ppl ad
that time i just keep quiet
i din say out anything
its hurt
he's nt wit me anymore
i dunno wad happen wit me
mayb i cant afford the feeling of lose or wad
i dunno
by the way
i noe i can cope it
This is wad i choose
this is wad i wan
i cant complain
i cant say anything
just becauz im d one who reject him n hurt him
if again u wan me to choose
i think
i also wont turn back
i think becauz i gt no such confidence ad
i m stubborn
I noe im goin to be fine
i hav 2 move on


peechgal said...

Woo, Xuel.. i'll be supporting you.
No point looking back. There is another person waiting for you right in front haha :P