
Long Update

Monday, July 18, 2011

 Finally i am back to update my blog
I had leave about for more than 1 month oppsss..
i am so lazy to update my blog
because my previous blog layout cant share my post on Facebook
this make me doesn't feel like blogging..
I changed it again.. but i still like the previous oone more :(

I met my babies on the early July. It has been a long time never meet up together
By the time i know that we going to meet i am so excited
I just cant stop myself from giggling... (just imagine =.=)
Even my mum ask me what make me so excited.
We meet at college in the morning.. i miss my college and study life :(
After we get back our certificate we went 1st Avenue for a short shopping at Cotton On
and then we went Harvest Inn for lunch
I miss there so much.. The food there was so nice
same to the place ♥ it to the maxxxx...

 From left Melissa, Me, Eleen and CCY
spot there is a red dot on my forehead
 Me and Mr Greenie
Our Polaraid..
i bring along my kitty film that day but the whole box had spoilt.. 
i got cheated

I also meet up Miss Ah Yi which back from KL.
We meet up at Banglow cafe 
at 1st i plan to have shabu- shabu
but when we start to order, the waiter told us there are no more shabu -shabu
how sad :(
so we change to eat Thai food!!
Its nice too♥♥
♥♥ this dish seafood dang hoon
 AHHH yiiiiii♥ (my dai lou)

Its my grandma birthday celebration last week
Its gathering again♥
i love this kind of dinner which make all of us gathered together even we did meet always
Mr Greenie came down for the celebration ♥♥

with Mr Greenie and my pretty grandma 
love both of them so much♥♥

Going to celebrate my grandma actual birthday tomorrow
I will update if i have picture to upload 
See ya 

Thats all for my update :)
Feel free to comment ♥

New Layout

Sunday, May 22, 2011


I am boring with my previous blog template
so i decide to change it
So no more lovely kitty kitty as background
How was it?
Is it awesome? romantic? nice?
Any comment bout it?

Please give me some comment so that i can make it better..

Thank you.

With Love,

The babysitter ♥

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Went Penang yesterday with my little bro to meet the baby 
My bro being a very light bulb for us
nvm he doesn't make any sense
Both of us be babysitter for a day to take care over my little bro..
The ♥ one fetch us at Jetty
My little bro gave him a hug whn he get into his car
cauz i cheat him that must gave him a hug if nt he wont fetch u
*he was shock*
Our 1st stop was 1st avenue we have a walk there
 have our chatime, cotton on on "ting ting" with the little bro
 the Babysitter Tan with little bro 
 the boxing thing. he cant hit the things due to his height..haha

After this we went Gurney to meet Mel at BBQPlaza

i miss her so much♥
After that we dropped my little bro at popular thn we just hang around
 RANDOM picture of my little bro

 babysitter of the day


Monday, May 2, 2011

It is time to appreciate your Mother!

If there was a day for everything you have given to me as a mother, it would be Mother's Day every day. Thanks for always helping me to remember what is important in life... and today it is you! You're the best! Thanks for all you do.
oppss she is nt my mum but my babysitter whn i am still small *cute me*
 my mum sister and i- we did group ourselves as "SK2" nt the cosmetic skii
cauz sk is the shortcut of my mum name and the "2" represent the 2 daughther..
so we are "SK2"
The above pixie snap with the pretty grandma during trip to Hatyai *love her to the max she is cute btw*
The 2nd pixie snap yesterday during we celebrate Mothers Day for granny
The granny with her four daughters *happy thm :) *

Our mothers are our pillars of strength and our confidante. There's nothing in this world that can replace our mother's love.

Let's celebrate this special day by bringing your mother to Summit Subang USJ and participate in the "Mom On Facebook" Snapshot Contest.

Share them with your family and friends today just because your mom will always be your cup of comfort when you’re feeling low.

God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers. Celebrate this day with your mom & join "Mom on FB" contest. #MomOnSummitFB

wish everyone enjoy your Mothers Day celebration

The farewell

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Come to the end of April
Comes to the time for Ms Anney to leave
She is the one that i going to take over
My god!!
I start to nervous ad..
I dunno whether i can cope all the job or not..
*bless me*
Went K with colleague yesterday
They are so crazy
even out of my expectation
we sing and dance the whole night
Its was so tiring
Here is some of the pic
*sorry to the bad quality of pic cauz i din bring my camera*


♥The best day ♥

Monday, April 25, 2011

Its baby day yesterday..
We enjoy ourself the whole day
Love it so much
A day out before the baby is leaving and sweetie is back from Kay Elle!!
As friends for more than 10 years
i feel that i love them more and more..
Cant survive without them ♥
In the other hand, my another big baby also gave me a surprised.
The baby purposely came along the way from Penang to give me a surprise..
Heart him so muchie..*wink*
Thank you all the babies for hiding behind me just to give me a surprise!!!!!
I love it..
We went to Secret Recipe for my cheese cake
Finally i ate my cake!!!!

The short hair post

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Should i cut off my hair?
I had been confuse for a very long time
i feel boring to my current hair..
any comments?

16th April 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Its 16th today!!!
Time flies
It had been one month that i start working..
I start to enjoy mixing up with my colleague..
By the way i am still under the learning process
I still got a lot of things to learn
sometime i really feel lazy to work..
but I have to..
I cant be LAZY!!!! wake up pls
Playing with 'Mei mei' rabbit hairband just now during the lunch break
and i force thm to snap all those picture
*evil me*
 opps ignore my face >.<
 yee ann she is the one that teach and lead me all the time
she is AH TING which sit beside my table, she is very cute (look at her smile)
 jing yan which also new to this office like me :)

 she is very funny, chieh xian
 the cute one chiew ying (sound lik earthworm)
 she is mei mei nt my sis but her name soo mei so i call her mei mei
 take 2 :)

Okie its late for me already
and i also dunno what to continue 
Going to off for sleep 
Nitez everyone
sweet dream 
miss the small little greenie <3

The baby is leaving

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It have been a long period that i din blog ad
This update is to say goodbye to the baby ♥
The baby Elspeth i going to Singapore for her job tonight
I am kind of sad  not because that she is leaving me..
just because i feel i am so useless all my friend went to the big city
but i am the only one stay at kampung
the kampung ling :(

But no worry i still will miss you ELSPETH!!
Remember to get me something when you are back!!
i wan something huge okie? Thankssssssss lottttt..
When out with her for movie before she went Singapore
We watch "Don't go breaking my heart" wit jiunnlyn
The movie was awesome!!
I love it so much it was so so so romantic..
Even my bro (a guy) also said it is!!!!
I believed those people that watched this movie before will love it too ♥♥♥

Its a must to snap picture before we leave : )
Today went lunch with her again
Its kind of rush because i only have one hour lunch break
We decide to have our lunch at OLD TOWN which is near to her house
and also kind of near to my office
At 1st i thought want her to help me order my lunch 1st so she said she want to walk there 1st
by the time i reach there i saw she is still walking nearby the restaurant..
laugh die me she willing to walk under the hot sun and dun wan me to fetch her
After we ordered our lunch she went to the beside restaurant to buy cake
both of us craving for cake i miss cheesy cake but she wan choco cake
At last we get choco cake (elspeth favo) because there was only choco we got no choice..
haha then continue with pixie time.. 
♥ the cake ♥
After lunch back to the office and continue my daily job again : )

Okay Good luck to the you
Hope that everything there will be smooth for you
Anythings happen remember to inform me and the sweetie ya

xueL Ooi